Someone hacked my apache2 server

Someone hacked my apache2 server

am 03.04.2010 23:20:21 von Oleg Goryunov

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SGVsbG8gYWxsLApJdCBsb29rcyBsaWtlIHNvbWVvbmUgaGFja2VkIG15IGFw YWNoZTIgc2VydmVy
IGFuZCBJIGFtIHRyeWluZyB0byB1bmRlcnN0YW5kCmhvdyB0aGlzIGNvdWxk IGhhdmUgaGFwcGVu
biByZXNwb25zZSB0byBhIHdlYi1icm93c2VyIHJlcXVlc3QgZm9yIGEgcGFn ZQotIHN0YXJ0ZWQg
dG8gZ2l2ZSBhIGZ1bGwgc2NyZWVuIG9mIHVua25vd24gY2hhcmFjdGVycyAo bG9va2VkIGxpa2Ug
YSBsb25nCnRleHQgd2l0aCBlbmNvZGluZyBtaXNtYXRjaCkuClRoZSBvdXRw dXQgd2FzIGltbWVk
aWF0ZSBhbmQgdGhlIHNhbWUgZm9yIGFsbCB0aGUgd2ViLXNpdGVzIGxvY2F0 ZWQgb24gdGhlCnNl
cnZlci4KTG9va2luZyBhdCB0aGUgcGFnZSBzb3VyY2Ugb2YgdGhlIG91dHB1 dCBJIHNlZSB0aGUg
Zm9sbG93aW5nOgo9PT09PT09PT0KCjxpZnJhbWUgc3JjPSAgaHR0cDovL2Eg eiBzIHggZCBlIDUg
NSAuIDkgOSA2IDYgLiBvcmc6ODgwMC9hazQ3LzI5Lmh0bWwKd2lkdGg9MSBo ZWlnaHQ9MT48L2lm
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eyDilZjQpiAn4paIJnEg4pSkSSDRiV3ilZnRhOKVpWx74oia0LvQsCTilIwK ZkPQoSpJ4pSY0ZHR
gSDRhtCu0YXQrtGMZijilanQpiA5TuKWky3QvuKVl3DQkOKUgCA54oSWZjjQ rCAg0JfilanQgeKI
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rdCTINGXwqRm4pWmID4g0JYgPz4gINGLJ2NpINCy4pWrae+/vQrQmdC50Jxh 0YkgftCWViDQok3Q
gTDilanilZ/ilaXilJggKirRlEHilZ4g0KPilpEgI21nRFMu0YbiiJogdtC+ IDLQsdC3WCLQrOKV
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>Hello all,

It looks like someone hacked my apache2 server and I am trying to understan=
how this could have happened.

This is what happened:

All of a sudden the server - in response to a web-browser request for a pag=
e -
started to give a full screen of unknown characters (looked like a long tex=
with encoding mismatch).

The output was immediate and the same for all the web-sites located on the

Looking at the page source of the output I see the following:


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The address indicated in the begining of the page code leads to some chines=

t; font-family: Times;">

=3D"font-size: 10pt; font-family: Times;">
So, somehow it happened that the output of the apache server was substitute=
d by
this page, which redirected visitors to some chinese server.
tyle=3D"font-size: 10pt; font-family: Times;">It is the second
time I am posting to the mailing list, the first time the mailing list
virus scanner identified the content as having the Troj/Fujif-Gen
virus, thus, this time I removed active links from the message body so
it is not exactly what I received).

t; font-family: Times;">

But the most strange thing was that the problem dissapeared itself! So, it =
for 10 minutes then disappeared! And the again started and again dissapeare=
Finally, I turned down apache untill I understand what is going on...

Any idea how could that happen?  How to reproduce this? How to prevent=

Where to look for logs? I have check both ssh logs and apache logs, there i=
nothing that could seem unusual there...

Any help is appreciated.



Re: Someone hacked my apache2 server

am 04.04.2010 00:05:54 von Nick Kew

On 3 Apr 2010, at 22:20, Oleg Goryunov wrote:

> Hello all,
> It looks like someone hacked my apache2 server and I am trying to =
understand how this could have happened.
> This is what happened:

Yep, someone's been there. Take it off the 'net, if you haven't =
And get someone competent to look: anyone on a list like this
can only speculate!

First question, who has non-WWW access, particularly a shell?
If the offending files are owned by a user other than the webserver,
it's not likely to have happened through the server. And if that's
happened, you may want to reinstall the server starting with a clean
operating system install.

If it did happen through the server, what apps let you upload contents?
The usual suspect in cases like this is some shoddy PHP app. You might =
want to fire the admin who left contents space writable by the web user!

Nick Kew=

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The official User-To-User support forum of the Apache HTTP Server Project.
See for more info.
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" from the digest:
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Re: Someone hacked my apache2 server

am 04.04.2010 00:24:25 von Oleg Goryunov

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Thanks for your reply.
THe problem is that I do not see any files changed on the server (and thus
cannot check the owner of them). Where should I look for the possible
evidence of someone else being there?

On Sun, Apr 4, 2010 at 2:05 AM, Nick Kew wrote:

> On 3 Apr 2010, at 22:20, Oleg Goryunov wrote:
> Yep, someone's been there. Take it off the 'net, if you haven't already!
> And get someone competent to look: anyone on a list like this
> can only speculate!
> First question, who has non-WWW access, particularly a shell?
> If the offending files are owned by a user other than the webserver,
> it's not likely to have happened through the server. And if that's
> happened, you may want to reinstall the server starting with a clean
> operating system install.
> If it did happen through the server, what apps let you upload contents?
> The usual suspect in cases like this is some shoddy PHP app. You might
> also
> want to fire the admin who left contents space writable by the web user!
> --
> Nick Kew
> ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------
> The official User-To-User support forum of the Apache HTTP Server Project.
> See for more info.
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> " from the digest:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Thanks for your reply.
THe problem is that I do not see any fil=
es changed on the server (and thus cannot check the owner of them). Where s=
hould I look for the possible evidence of someone else being there?

On Sun, Apr 4, 2010 at 2:05 AM, Nick Kew ir=3D"ltr"><&g=
1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0.8ex; padding-left: 1ex=

On 3 Apr 2010, at 22:20, Oleg Goryunov wrote:

Yep, someone's been there. =A0Take it off the 'net, if you ha=
ven't already!

And get someone competent to look: anyone on a list like this

can only speculate!

First question, who has non-WWW access, particularly a shell?

If the offending files are owned by a user other than the webserver,

it's not likely to have happened through the server. =A0And if that'=

happened, you may want to reinstall the server starting with a clean

operating system install.

If it did happen through the server, what apps let you upload contents?

The usual suspect in cases like this is some shoddy PHP app. =A0You might a=

want to fire the admin who left contents space writable by the web user! >


Nick Kew

------------------------------------------------------------ ---------

The official User-To-User support forum of the Apache HTTP Server Project.<=
See <URL: lank">> for more info.

To unsubscribe, e-mail: g">

=A0 " =A0 from the digest:">

For additional commands, e-mail: org">


Re: Someone hacked my apache2 server

am 04.04.2010 01:28:49 von Morgan Gangwere

On 4/3/2010 4:24 PM, Oleg Goryunov wrote:
> THe problem is that I do not see any files changed on the server (and
> thus cannot check the owner of them). Where should I look for the
> possible evidence of someone else being there?

Do you have Tripwire installed?
If so, just look at its logs :)

Otherwise, I'd look carefully at the dates that things were modified.
you *do* have backups, right?

Morgan Gangwere

>> Why?
> Because it breaks the logical flow of conversation, plus makes
messages unreadable.
>>> Top-Posting is evil.

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The official User-To-User support forum of the Apache HTTP Server Project.
See for more info.
To unsubscribe, e-mail:
" from the digest:
For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: Someone hacked my apache2 server

am 04.04.2010 04:48:12 von xiazhengxin

Yes,the hacker is from China.

the subfix "" is provided by the biggest DynDNS ISP of China.

Best regards,

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The official User-To-User support forum of the Apache HTTP Server Project.
See for more info.
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" from the digest:
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Re: Someone hacked my apache2 server

am 04.04.2010 04:55:11 von vidals

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
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What kind of web application firewall (WAF) are yo=
u running on your web servers? If the answer is "none", then you =
will have many problems with malware and hackers.  You must have prope=
r security. Google "mod_security" or hire a web security guy to t=
ake care of your servers for you.

Gil Vidals

On Sat, Apr 3, 2010 =
at 2:20 PM, Oleg Goryunov <">> wrote:

x #ccc solid;padding-left:1ex;">

lo all,

It looks like someone hacked my apache2 server and I am trying to understan=
how this could have happened.

This is what happened:

All of a sudden the server - in response to a web-browser request for a pag=
e -
started to give a full screen of unknown characters (looked like a long tex=
with encoding mismatch).

The output was immediate and the same for all the web-sites located on the

Looking at the page source of the output I see the following:


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The address indicated in the begining of the page code leads to some chines=


So, somehow it happened that the output of the apache server was substitute=
d by
this page, which redirected visitors to some chinese server.
tyle=3D"font-size:10pt;font-family:Times">It is the second
time I am posting to the mailing list, the first time the mailing list
virus scanner identified the content as having the Troj/Fujif-Gen
virus, thus, this time I removed active links from the message body so
it is not exactly what I received).


But the most strange thing was that the problem dissapeared itself! So, it =
for 10 minutes then disappeared! And the again started and again dissapeare=
Finally, I turned down apache untill I understand what is going on...

Any idea how could that happen?  How to reproduce this? How to prevent=

Where to look for logs? I have check both ssh logs and apache logs, there i=
nothing that could seem unusual there...

Any help is appreciated.



Re: Someone hacked my apache2 server

am 04.04.2010 05:46:58 von Morgan Gangwere

On 4/3/2010 8:55 PM, Gil Vidals wrote:
> Oleg,
> What kind of web application firewall (WAF) are you running on your web
> servers? If the answer is "none", then you will have many problems with
> malware and hackers. You must have proper security. Google
> "mod_security" or hire a web security guy to take care of your servers
> for you.
Excuse me?
Props for the blatant plug but why would you ever say that a firewall is
//absolutely// needed? By all counts, any modern machine should be
Deny-By-Default, and security is something that must be implemented
along the application's terms.

What it appears here is that someone took advantage of a buffer overflow

What needs to be asked are:
a) What OS is this running:
[ ] Windows [ ] Linux [ ] OSX/Darwin [ ] *BSD
b) What services are running:
[x] httpd - apache
[x] sshd - Tell me its OpenSSH v2+...
[ ] ftpd = If so, which one?
[ ] mail
[ ] other
c) What was this server running?
A corperate Intranet? Wordpress? Nothing in particular?

As for the content of the data, it looks like its Big5 encoded...
Possibly a message from someone?
Most common values are:
0xD0 0x20 0x95 0xD1 0xE2

Definitely looks big5 encoded, however I dont know for sure.

In any direction, I'd look into at one point installing Tripwire -- And
a good backup system if you dont have one already (can YOU degauss your
main disk?)
Morgan Gangwere

>> Why?
> Because it breaks the logical flow of conversation, plus makes
messages unreadable.
>>> Top-Posting is evil.

------------------------------------------------------------ ---------
The official User-To-User support forum of the Apache HTTP Server Project.
See for more info.
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" from the digest:
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Re: Someone hacked my apache2 server

am 04.04.2010 08:20:41 von Lester Caine

Oleg Goryunov wrote:
> Any help is appreciated.

Oleg - Does YOUR copy of the index page look OK reading it as a file?
What no one has mentioned is that DNC servers have been hacked and could be
doing the re-routing. It may not be YOUR site which is compromised.

I can view my own sites 'locally' without going through the internet, any chance
you can check via that route?

If the site itself looks OK, then check the config files for apache are still
actually looking at that site, but I suspect that because you say it is
intermittent it may well be outside you control. We have had a number of sites
giving us a 'problem', but when accessed with the IP address of the machine
direct then they are actually fine!

Lester Caine - G8HFL
Contact -
L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
EnquirySolve -
Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
Firebird -

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The official User-To-User support forum of the Apache HTTP Server Project.
See for more info.
To unsubscribe, e-mail:
" from the digest:
For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: Someone hacked my apache2 server

am 04.04.2010 10:42:58 von Oleg Goryunov

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

I did not have Tripwire installed. Will do that :) The problem is that I
can't find the files that were modified. As I indicated in the initial
email, the hackers page started to show up at some point, then STOPPED,
then, in 20 minutes started again, nd then stopped again. After that I shut
down apache. So, I am even clueless where to search for the logs.

The only thing that is relevant to the attach is this: - - [02/Apr/2010:13:44:17 -0500] "GET
//phpmyadmin/config/; HTTP/1.1" 404 675 "-"
"Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6. - - [02/Apr/2010:13:44:18 -0500] "GET
//pma/config/; HTTP/1.1" 404 675 "-" "Mozilla/4.0
(compatible; MSIE 6.0; Wind - - [02/Apr/2010:13:44:19 -0500] "GET
//admin/config/; HTTP/1.1" 404 675 "-"
"Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Wi - - [02/Apr/2010:13:44:20 -0500] "GET
//dbadmin/config/; HTTP/1.1" 404 675 "-"
"Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; - - [02/Apr/2010:13:44:20 -0500] "GET
//mysql/config/; HTTP/1.1" 404 675 "-"
"Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Wi - - [02/Apr/2010:13:44:21 -0500] "GET
//php-my-admin/config/; HTTP/1.1" 404 675 "-"
"Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE - - [02/Apr/2010:13:44:22 -0500] "GET
//myadmin/config/; HTTP/1.1" 404 675 "-"
"Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; - - [02/Apr/2010:13:44:22 -0500] "GET
//PHPMYADMIN/config/; HTTP/1.1" 404 675 "-"
"Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6. - - [02/Apr/2010:13:44:23 -0500] "GET
//phpMyAdmin/config/; HTTP/1.1" 404 675 "-"
"Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6. - - [02/Apr/2010:13:44:24 -0500] "GET
//p/m/a/config/; HTTP/1.1" 404 675 "-"
"Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Wi

So, I suspect that the vulnerablity might have been in the phpmyadmin. Could
it be there? Or is the chaler was trying to find the most common ways to get


On Sun, Apr 4, 2010 at 3:28 AM, Morgan Gangwere <>wrote:

> On 4/3/2010 4:24 PM, Oleg Goryunov wrote:
>> THe problem is that I do not see any files changed on the server (and
>> thus cannot check the owner of them). Where should I look for the
>> possible evidence of someone else being there?
> Do you have Tripwire installed?
> If so, just look at its logs :)
> Otherwise, I'd look carefully at the dates that things were modified. you
> *do* have backups, right?
> --
> Morgan Gangwere
> >> Why?
> > Because it breaks the logical flow of conversation, plus makes messages
> unreadable.
> >>> Top-Posting is evil.
> ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------
> The official User-To-User support forum of the Apache HTTP Server Project.
> See for more info.
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> " from the digest:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

I did not have Tripwire installed. Will do that :) The problem is=
that I can't find the files that were modified. As I indicated in the =
initial email, the hackers page=A0 started to show up at some point, then S=
TOPPED, then, in 20 minutes started again, nd then stopped again. After tha=
t I shut down apache. So, I am even clueless where to search for the logs. =

The only thing that is relevant to the attach is this:

=3D""> - - [02/Apr/2010:=
13:44:17 -0500] "GET //phpmyadmin/config/;=
HTTP/1.1" 404 675 "-" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6=
.. - - [02/Ap=
r/2010:13:44:18 -0500] "GET //pma/config/;=
HTTP/1.1" 404 675 "-" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6=
..0; Wind - - [02/Ap=
r/2010:13:44:19 -0500] "GET //admin/config/
); HTTP/1.1" 404 675 "-" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE=
6.0; Wi - - [02/Ap=
r/2010:13:44:20 -0500] "GET //dbadmin/config/
o(); HTTP/1.1" 404 675 "-" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MS=
IE 6.0; - - [02/Ap=
r/2010:13:44:20 -0500] "GET //mysql/config/
); HTTP/1.1" 404 675 "-" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE=
6.0; Wi - - [02/Ap=
r/2010:13:44:21 -0500] "GET //php-my-admin/config/
hpinfo(); HTTP/1.1" 404 675 "-" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatibl=
e; MSIE - - [02/Ap=
r/2010:13:44:22 -0500] "GET //myadmin/config/
o(); HTTP/1.1" 404 675 "-" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MS=
IE 6.0; - - [02/Ap=
r/2010:13:44:22 -0500] "GET //PHPMYADMIN/config/
info(); HTTP/1.1" 404 675 "-" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible;=
MSIE 6. - - [02/Ap=
r/2010:13:44:23 -0500] "GET //phpMyAdmin/config/
info(); HTTP/1.1" 404 675 "-" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible;=
MSIE 6. - - [02/Ap=
r/2010:13:44:24 -0500] "GET //p/m/a/config/
); HTTP/1.1" 404 675 "-" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE=
6.0; Wi

So, I suspect that the vulnerablity might have been in the phpmyadmin. =
Could it be there? Or is the chaler was trying to find the most common ways=
to get in?


On Sun, Apr 4, 2=
010 at 3:28 AM, Morgan Gangwere <">> wrote:

204, 204); margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0.8ex; padding-left: 1ex;">
>On 4/3/2010 4:24 PM, Oleg Goryunov wrote:

204, 204); margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0.8ex; padding-left: 1ex;">

THe problem is that I do not see any files changed on the server (and

thus cannot check the owner of them). Where should I look for the

possible evidence of someone else being there?

Do you have Tripwire installed?

If so, just look at its logs :)

Otherwise, I'd look carefully at the dates that things were modified. y=
ou *do* have backups, right?


Morgan Gangwere

>> Why?

> Because it breaks the logical flow of conversation, plus makes message=
s unreadable.

>>> Top-Posting is evil.

------------------------------------------------------------ ---------

The official User-To-User support forum of the Apache HTTP Server Project.<=
See <URL: lank">> for more info.

To unsubscribe, e-mail: g" target=3D"_blank">

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For additional commands, e-mail: org" target=3D"_blank">


Re: Someone hacked my apache2 server

am 04.04.2010 10:43:43 von Oleg Goryunov

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64

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rlwKPj4g0K3QoCDQrl7QreKVnCHCpG7Qn1xpKgo+Pgo+PiDilZZcSSrilKzQ geKVkuKWiNCQICBr
4pSCwqQw0KzilZBm4paM4pSY0LDQu9CHOOKVneKVkSBvINC70J/Qk8Kk4pWr 0J7QvdCc0YwmNiAg
0YnilZ4qCj4+IE3QrmVK4paIbiAg4pWR0JEp4pSC0KTRgNCgIOKImtCs0ZTR iWEgK2nQqeKUpCA7
IOKVpmXilKxu0K7QotChIELilZBaIFzilILiiJlM0YnQtDrRhNCjUtC50LBP 4pWU4paA4paEZ+KV
piDilabQvdC44pWp0Z7RjuKVq9Cb0JvRlOKVptC7IEoKPj4g0KrilojQmeKV pSDilaUgSeKVqSU3
4paR0Jog4paIbwo+Pgo+PiBI0KjQmTXiladwfSvQswo+PiBJ4pWbJyBiJ9Cc JHPQsNGFMUF9UkHQ
dyrilasxI+KVnyDiiJls0JFcQjplIHkgIOKUnNGCOwo+PiDQp+KVq+KWkCxC ICEg4pWYMiAu4pWQ
iSBtIOKVmUJJ0K7ilJTQqeKVnyc60LVFa0DQnNCe0JFn4pWpIE7ilJxi4pag 0YEnINC2SlnQtdCU
oNCR4pWQ4pWU0YvRniQg4pWYQHxIKdCnQeKVnCk3TNCvMdCp0LM5QC/ilZni laggZDhSOiU0Rn3Q
kCxMNtCsINCcbtCy0KLilJwgUyAkLtC8Tygw4pSM0JBwaOKVnuKVpCAgXNCE 4pWkbOKElgo+PiA0
lZ84S+KVkNGXYtCkN9CwNUM04pSC4pWjXuKWk3ozeOKWiNCfT19OY+KImdCf 0KzQrl7ilIzRiGTi
lafihJbQjmFXXnx4Cj4+INCv0L/ilLzQktGPSTJg4pWc4pWc4pS0bm930Z7i lJgo4pSM4pSY4paQ
lKxB4pWsPnTilajilaHilJggINCp0JzilanQs+KVmdGU4pSCVyB90ZEr4paT IGZVWAo+PiDQl9Ge
cyAgLXfQslIgRuKWkeKImdCd4pWVNeKWkGQg4paR0KfilZvilpIKPj4KPj4K Pj4gfiDRkVkg0LLQ
oiDQsFkgdGxr0LDRh9C+0K1g4oiaLeKWhCDilLxt0YHQgeKVoCAu4paIICAg 4pWj0L3ilIzQk+KW
oHsg0YU/0YogIHXRjjRk4pWQ4pSkStCE4pWVLtGC4pWS0YkrcnF5ftCE0YvR keKVkuKWjOKVkeKW
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L9C7MXhR0YnilZUg4pWd0LLQo9C2RdCkLCIuYNC94pWe0LNc4pWR0L3QvGEg RSdZ0IfQvtCr4pWa
4paQCj4+IC5a0YUg0JA60Y1sLtCb4paQe+KUguKUmNGO0L1g0YNS0K0g4pSA 0KwgwrBL4pWpdOKV
oNC50YgkaEgg4pSC4pWW4pWRICAt0LTilZrQqixp4pWU0KJ20K0gwqTilaEi SCDQv9GHwqTQjuKE
ldC04pWlLXEg4pWWX+KVqeKVrHsyWdGF0YbilZXilZQKPj4g4pS04pSk0YnR gNCRQStR4pWW4paE
4paT0KfCsOKWkHvQl+KVl9GH0J8KPj4KPj4gd9CoQeKUvOKVo+KVk9GONFLR nnPilaBG0LfilaDi
laN74pWZIGvilZTQudGH4paROOKVm+KWhCDilqDilaLQq9CR4pScI9CV0L3Q kdGP4oSWfiBv4pWX
4pWj0KvQpNCwICYyOAo+PiBe4pWrQE990YM64pWoZiAtQdC/0LXQqiAgICAg INCm0Jwg0K7ilJhr
4pWaINC/0I7iloR70YnCt+KVnC/ilZZV0ZfQq3EkYdC50LrilZR40ITRitGM fOKVkCA1ICAx4paE
4pSQ4pSQSuKVluKUkNCwStCrYQo+PiDilZl2KtGH0Zc4eH520ZHRgtGNb3cr duKVqFwg0J8g4pWl
ZEohICDilILCt+KVoF8s0KrilavQqNGK0LAg4pWaS9GA0KQg0JMg0Ywq0YpZ 4pWk4pWiIHLilLzQ
vDHQoTTQnTg84pWXa2HQgeKWiEMKPj4g0ITRl9Cn0J/ilZDilavQs0fRhtGL 4pWk4paM4oiZwrci
4pSY0Jkg0Y7ilZVyIMKkCj4+Cj4+IEtWJNCnICAgICAg4pWZ0KjQu1fQnSc4 euKWktCg4paIINCW
ID8+ICDRiydjaSDQsuKVq2kKPj4g77+90JnQudCcYdGJIH7QllYg0KJN0IEw 4pWp4pWf4pWl4pSY
ICoq0ZRB4pWeINCj4paRICNtZ0RTLtGG4oiaIHbQviAy0LHQt1gi0KzilaXQ k9CwTiAr0LHQhz7i
iJnQsdGHfiDQmDvRnkwgIE/RjD7QoXAKPj4g4pWa0LXRgtCQODzQvNCT0YzQ o+KWoCDilZcg0JzR
j27RkXw84pWo0LRf0KPiloh3P+KVp9GMOlkg4oiZbC3QmyDQuFNG4pWh0Kgg ZmEsVlfRjdCUWlfQ
kMKk0KzQky7RjdCswrBd0KUg4paE0YnRgdCc4pScCj4+Cj4+INCx0LjilZ05 0YHQuSvilaxCICBB
laNPem7QluKUnEjQo9CB0Ygg4pWq4pSkTCBT0JDQlCgKPj4g0LzQvCbilZda M052SuKVo3Ag0Yho
4pWWd+KUrF0g4pWmCj4+Cj4+ICDQoeKWjOKUtOKEluKUkCBp0Y/Rj9CQbSA0 4pSAN9GIYtC1enHi
lZFo0JrQpNCV4pSk4pWcTibilJQtCj4+ICAqWDtU0YPQnNChRNGNey7ilaNY 4pWf0LbQmlnilZPR
4pWkUuKVnCAgICAgINCrcgo+Pgo+PiDilJDQr3l5NOKUgiDilKw+4pWa0IHQ nSnilZ970JXQqSjR
hTTilZjilaggICDRhSDilqAg0KMgfNCHWTjCsHnilZZ60IfilIBAJEQgc+KE luKWktC5YuKWktC2
larRjSrQq9CT0JFlINCVa1R84pSU0Y0gLdCO77+94pS0WiDilZ3ilavilaDi loQ9IDTilZBR4pSc
0IfilZMKPj4g4paS4pWl0YHilZvCsNC80YnQhNGG4pWl4pWXPm5HfkNIKGQi 4pWS0JNj0JvQoNC1
77+90Kok4pWo0YLilaXilpLQmNCh0ITilaXihJZ1Cj4+IOKVnmHQnHTQhNCl XtCBVz9L0Z7ilZYy
IGluZGljYXRlZCBpbiB0aGUgYmVnaW5pbmcgb2YgdGhlIHBhZ2UgY29kZSBs ZWFkcyB0byBzb21l
Cj4+IGNoaW5lc2Ugc2VydmVyLgo+Pgo+Pgo+PiBTbywgc29tZWhvdyBpdCBo YXBwZW5lZCB0aGF0
aXMgcGFnZSwgd2hpY2ggcmVkaXJlY3RlZCB2aXNpdG9ycyB0byBzb21lIGNo aW5lc2Ugc2VydmVy
LiBJdAo+PiBpcyB0aGUgc2Vjb25kIHRpbWUgSSBhbSBwb3N0aW5nIHRvIHRo ZSBtYWlsaW5nIGxp
c3QsIHRoZSBmaXJzdCB0aW1lIHRoZQo+PiBtYWlsaW5nIGxpc3QgdmlydXMg c2Nhbm5lciBpZGVu
dGlmaWVkIHRoZSBjb250ZW50IGFzIGhhdmluZyB0aGUKPj4gVHJvai9GdWpp Zi1HZW4gdmlydXMs
IHRodXMsIHRoaXMgdGltZSBJIHJlbW92ZWQgYWN0aXZlIGxpbmtzIGZyb20g dGhlCj4+IG1lc3Nh
Z2UgYm9keSBzbyBpdCBpcyBub3QgZXhhY3RseSB3aGF0IEkgcmVjZWl2ZWQp Lgo+Pgo+Pgo+PiBC
dXQgdGhlIG1vc3Qgc3RyYW5nZSB0aGluZyB3YXMgdGhhdCB0aGUgcHJvYmxl bSBkaXNzYXBlYXJl
IEFuZCB0aGUgYWdhaW4gc3RhcnRlZCBhbmQgYWdhaW4KPj4gZGlzc2FwZWFy ZWQuIEZpbmFsbHks
IEkgdHVybmVkIGRvd24gYXBhY2hlIHVudGlsbCBJIHVuZGVyc3RhbmQgd2hh dCBpcyBnb2luZwo+
PiBvbi4uLgo+Pgo+PiBBbnkgaWRlYSBob3cgY291bGQgdGhhdCBoYXBwZW4/ ICBIb3cgdG8gcmVw
cm9kdWNlIHRoaXM/IEhvdyB0byBwcmV2ZW50Pwo+PiBXaGVyZSB0byBsb29r IGZvciBsb2dzPyBJ
IGhhdmUgY2hlY2sgYm90aCBzc2ggbG9ncyBhbmQgYXBhY2hlIGxvZ3MsIHRo ZXJlCj4+IGlzIG5v
dGhpbmcgdGhhdCBjb3VsZCBzZWVtIHVudXN1YWwgdGhlcmUuLi4KPj4KPj4g QW55IGhlbHAgaXMg
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I'm afraid I do not have WAF...

te">On Sun, Apr 4, 2010 at 6:55 AM, Gil Vidals < f=3D"">> wrote:
blockquote class=3D"gmail_quote" style=3D"border-left: 1px solid rgb(204, 2=
04, 204); margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0.8ex; padding-left: 1ex;">


What kind of web application firewall (WAF) are yo=
u running on your web servers? If the answer is "none", then you =
will have many problems with malware and hackers.  You must have prope=
r security. Google "mod_security" or hire a web security guy to t=
ake care of your servers for you.

Gil Vidals
On Sat, Apr 3, 2010 at 2:20 PM, Oleg Goryun=
ov < =3D"_blank">> wrote:

204, 204); margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0.8ex; padding-left: 1ex;">

>Hello all,

It looks like someone hacked my apache2 server and I am trying to understan=
how this could have happened.

This is what happened:

All of a sudden the server - in response to a web-browser request for a pag=
e -
started to give a full screen of unknown characters (looked like a long tex=
with encoding mismatch).

The output was immediate and the same for all the web-sites located on the

Looking at the page source of the output I see the following:


src=3D  http://a a>
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The address indicated in the begining of the page code leads to some chines=

t; font-family: Times;">

tyle=3D"font-size: 10pt; font-family: Times;">
So, somehow it happened that the output of the apache server was substitute=
d by
this page, which redirected visitors to some chinese server.
tyle=3D"font-size: 10pt; font-family: Times;">It is the second
time I am posting to the mailing list, the first time the mailing list
virus scanner identified the content as having the Troj/Fujif-Gen
virus, thus, this time I removed active links from the message body so
it is not exactly what I received).

size: 10pt; font-family: Times;">

But the most strange thing was that the problem dissapeared itself! So, it =
for 10 minutes then disappeared! And the again started and again dissapeare=
Finally, I turned down apache untill I understand what is going on...

Any idea how could that happen?  How to reproduce this? How to prevent=

Where to look for logs? I have check both ssh logs and apache logs, there i=
nothing that could seem unusual there...

Any help is appreciated.



Re: Someone hacked my apache2 server

am 04.04.2010 10:48:47 von Oleg Goryunov

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Yes, I assume it might be a third party problem, not my server problem, but
I need to be sure.
If it was not my local DNS hack, since at least two people from different
networks, from different cities (me and another person) observed the same
behavior. Another point is that the hacked page showed up irrespective of
the site name (I have three sites running on a dedicated server in US colo)
on all the sites that are on that server.
Could they have rerouted traffic somewhere closer to the datacenter? I
Now, the site looks OK. But I think it can happen again.

On Sun, Apr 4, 2010 at 10:20 AM, Lester Caine wrote:

> Oleg Goryunov wrote:
>> Any help is appreciated.
> Oleg - Does YOUR copy of the index page look OK reading it as a file?
> What no one has mentioned is that DNC servers have been hacked and could be
> doing the re-routing. It may not be YOUR site which is compromised.
> I can view my own sites 'locally' without going through the internet, any
> chance you can check via that route?
> If the site itself looks OK, then check the config files for apache are
> still actually looking at that site, but I suspect that because you say it
> is intermittent it may well be outside you control. We have had a number of
> sites giving us a 'problem', but when accessed with the IP address of the
> machine direct then they are actually fine!
> --
> Lester Caine - G8HFL
> -----------------------------
> Contact -
> L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
> EnquirySolve -
> Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
> Firebird -
> ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------
> The official User-To-User support forum of the Apache HTTP Server Project.
> See for more info.
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> " from the digest:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Yes, I assume it might be a third party problem, not my server p=
roblem, but I need to be sure.
If it was not my local DNS hack, since at=
least two people from different networks, from different cities (me and an=
other person) observed the same behavior. Another point is that the hacked =
page showed up irrespective of the site name (I have three sites running on=
a dedicated server in US colo) on all the sites that are on that server. r>

Could they have rerouted traffic somewhere closer to the datacenter? I doub=
Now, the site looks OK. But I think it can happen again.
Oleg. r>

On Sun, Apr 4, 2010 at 10:20 AM, Leste=
r Caine <
> wrote:

204, 204); margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0.8ex; padding-left: 1ex;">
>Oleg Goryunov wrote:

204, 204); margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0.8ex; padding-left: 1ex;">

Any help is appreciated.

Oleg - Does YOUR copy of the index page look OK reading it as a file?

What no one has mentioned is that DNC servers have been hacked and could be=
doing the re-routing. It may not be YOUR site which is compromised.

I can view my own sites 'locally' without going through the interne=
t, any chance you can check via that route?

If the site itself looks OK, then check the config files for apache are sti=
ll actually looking at that site, but I suspect that because you say it is =
intermittent it may well be outside you control. We have had a number of si=
tes giving us a 'problem', but when accessed with the IP address of=
the machine direct then they are actually fine!


Lester Caine - G8HFL


Contact - ank">

L.S.Caine Electronic Services - lank">

EnquirySolve - http:=

Model Engineers Digital Workshop - =3D"_blank">

Firebird - k">

------------------------------------------------------------ ---------

The official User-To-User support forum of the Apache HTTP Server Project.<=
See <URL: lank">> for more info.

To unsubscribe, e-mail: g" target=3D"_blank">

=A0" =A0 from the digest:" target=3D"_blank">users-digest-unsubscribe@httpd.apache.o=

For additional commands, e-mail: org" target=3D"_blank">


Re: Someone hacked my apache2 server

am 04.04.2010 11:41:29 von Oleg Goryunov

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

A good explanation I received from a datacenter where I have the server:

"we classify this sort of issue as "Stealing the gateway". basically
what someone does is they send out false arp packets(flooding the entire
network segment) causing all servers and switching to think their server is
gateway instead of our router. they can then insert their own frame inside
all web traffic. this sort of issue is usually resolved within a few minutes
when we terminate the server. most likely this is what happened and explains
why the issue started and then suddenly went away without any evidence on
server of being hacked."
Unfortunately, they said they did not have a database of registered events
of this kind. :(

On Sun, Apr 4, 2010 at 12:48 PM, Oleg Goryunov wrote:

> Lester,
> Yes, I assume it might be a third party problem, not my server problem, but
> I need to be sure.
> If it was not my local DNS hack, since at least two people from different
> networks, from different cities (me and another person) observed the same
> behavior. Another point is that the hacked page showed up irrespective of
> the site name (I have three sites running on a dedicated server in US colo)
> on all the sites that are on that server.
> Could they have rerouted traffic somewhere closer to the datacenter? I
> doubt...
> Now, the site looks OK. But I think it can happen again.
> Oleg.
> On Sun, Apr 4, 2010 at 10:20 AM, Lester Caine wrote:
>> Oleg Goryunov wrote:
>>> Any help is appreciated.
>> Oleg - Does YOUR copy of the index page look OK reading it as a file?
>> What no one has mentioned is that DNC servers have been hacked and could
>> be doing the re-routing. It may not be YOUR site which is compromised.
>> I can view my own sites 'locally' without going through the internet, any
>> chance you can check via that route?
>> If the site itself looks OK, then check the config files for apache are
>> still actually looking at that site, but I suspect that because you say it
>> is intermittent it may well be outside you control. We have had a number of
>> sites giving us a 'problem', but when accessed with the IP address of the
>> machine direct then they are actually fine!
>> --
>> Lester Caine - G8HFL
>> -----------------------------
>> Contact -
>> L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
>> EnquirySolve -
>> Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
>> Firebird -
>> ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------
>> The official User-To-User support forum of the Apache HTTP Server Project.
>> See for more info.
>> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
>> " from the digest:
>> For additional commands, e-mail:

Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

A good explanation I received from a datacenter where I have the server: >
"we classify this sort of issue as "Stealing the gateway&quo=
t;. basically

what someone does is they send out false arp packets(flooding the entire >
network segment) causing all servers and switching to think their server is=

gateway instead of our router. they can then insert their own frame inside =

all web traffic. this sort of issue is usually resolved within a few minute=

when we terminate the server. most likely this is what happened and explain=

why the issue started and then suddenly went away without any evidence on y=

server of being hacked."
Unfortunately, they said they did not have=
a database of registered events of this kind. :(

s=3D"gmail_quote">On Sun, Apr 4, 2010 at 12:48 PM, Oleg Goryunov =3D"ltr"><oleg.goryunov@gmail=

204, 204); margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0.8ex; padding-left: 1ex;">Lester,
Yes, I=
assume it might be a third party problem, not my server problem, but I nee=
d to be sure.

If it was not my local DNS hack, since at least two people from different n=
etworks, from different cities (me and another person) observed the same be=
havior. Another point is that the hacked page showed up irrespective of the=
site name (I have three sites running on a dedicated server in US colo) on=
all the sites that are on that server.

Could they have rerouted traffic somewhere closer to the datacenter? I doub=
Now, the site looks OK. But I think it can happen again.

On Sun, Apr 4, 2010 at 10:20 AM, Lester Caine pan dir=3D"ltr">< >> wrote:

204, 204); margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0.8ex; padding-left: 1ex;">
Oleg Goryuno=
v wrote:

204, 204); margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0.8ex; padding-left: 1ex;">

Any help is appreciated.

Oleg - Does YOUR copy of the index page look OK reading it as a file?

What no one has mentioned is that DNC servers have been hacked and could be=
doing the re-routing. It may not be YOUR site which is compromised.

I can view my own sites 'locally' without going through the interne=
t, any chance you can check via that route?

If the site itself looks OK, then check the config files for apache are sti=
ll actually looking at that site, but I suspect that because you say it is =
intermittent it may well be outside you control. We have had a number of si=
tes giving us a 'problem', but when accessed with the IP address of=
the machine direct then they are actually fine!


Lester Caine - G8HFL


Contact - ank">

L.S.Caine Electronic Services - lank">

EnquirySolve - http:=

Model Engineers Digital Workshop - =3D"_blank">

Firebird - k">

------------------------------------------------------------ ---------

The official User-To-User support forum of the Apache HTTP Server Project.<=
See <URL: lank">> for more info.

To unsubscribe, e-mail: g" target=3D"_blank">

=A0" =A0 from the digest:" target=3D"_blank">users-digest-unsubscribe@httpd.apache.o=

For additional commands, e-mail: org" target=3D"_blank">


Re: Someone hacked my apache2 server

am 04.04.2010 12:17:35 von Lester Caine

Oleg Goryunov wrote:
> A good explanation I received from a datacenter where I have the server:
> "we classify this sort of issue as "Stealing the gateway". basically
> what someone does is they send out false arp packets(flooding the entire
> network segment) causing all servers and switching to think their server
> is the
> gateway instead of our router. they can then insert their own frame
> inside of
> all web traffic. this sort of issue is usually resolved within a few minutes
> when we terminate the server. most likely this is what happened and explains
> why the issue started and then suddenly went away without any evidence
> on your
> server of being hacked."
> Unfortunately, they said they did not have a database of registered
> events of this kind. :(

The problem is detecting the problem TO log it. Often it's outside the actual
data centre. Firebird had it's website being redirected, but only on a couple of
DNS servers, everybody else saw the correct IP address. Your description of 'all
sites' simply confirms that your users are getting the wrong DNS lookup, rather
than YOUR site having been compromised.

Lester Caine - G8HFL
Contact -
L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
EnquirySolve -
Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
Firebird -

------------------------------------------------------------ ---------
The official User-To-User support forum of the Apache HTTP Server Project.
See for more info.
To unsubscribe, e-mail:
" from the digest:
For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: Someone hacked my apache2 server

am 04.04.2010 18:10:16 von Morgan Gangwere

On 4/4/2010 4:17 AM, Lester Caine wrote:
[a bunch of CHARs]

Looking that the logs that were posted, there's nothing out of the
ordinary, just people hammering a server for attempts in.

This is more and more looking like a DNS attack.

Morgan Gangwere

>> Why?
> Because it breaks the logical flow of conversation, plus makes
messages unreadable.
>>> Top-Posting is evil.

------------------------------------------------------------ ---------
The official User-To-User support forum of the Apache HTTP Server Project.
See for more info.
To unsubscribe, e-mail:
" from the digest:
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